Thriving Amidst Twists and Turns: My Memorable Journey in 10th Grade - by Maghathi

Have you ever experienced a year that was so memorable, it left an indelible mark on your school life?

For me, that year was 2022-23, the beginning of 10th grade. The pressure was on, and I was ready to tackle all the projects and tests that came my way. I was eagerly awaiting the opportunity to truly experience a school year at my new school. However, fate had other plans, and the COVID-19 pandemic cut short my time there. Transitioning to online learning was a challenge, making socialization difficult. 

Nevertheless, the start of 10th grade went smoothly. Finally meeting all my teachers and looking forward to a beautiful year filled me with excitement. I quickly made friends, but there was a special bond I shared with a certain group of seven friends. We were like a second family, our friendship unbreakable, just like a circle with no ends.

Throughout that year, I created countless memories. It was a year filled with unexpected twists and surprises that never failed to amaze me. One of the highlights was getting the opportunity to join the athletics team. After passing the selections, our P.E. teacher began training us. I thoroughly enjoyed his lessons and the way he motivated me to explore different techniques. Everything was going well until my first term exam, where I struggled in math. Feeling disheartened, I analyzed my mistakes and decided to focus more on that subject. My friends and I supported each other during this challenging time. 

Sports became my refuge, especially during moments of low motivation. The P.E. period always managed to uplift my spirits and keep me going. My P.E. teacher played a significant role in my journey, pushing me to reach greater heights. He even suggested that I join the team and represent them in the zonal match. Unfortunately, I had to let go of this golden opportunity due to overlapping pre-board exams. Making tough decisions throughout the year made me more responsible, forcing me to prioritize my studies and follow new study schemes to improve my scores.

Science, particularly biology, has always been my favorite subject. The intricacies of the ecosystem and the never-ending topics within this field have fascinated me. I was even selected to participate in "The Smart India Hackathon" with a small group of three members. Making it to the final round was a new experience that encouraged us to think big and be innovative.

My classroom was a welcoming space, with its spacious area, windows, and the inviting smell of books. However, the students, despite being seniors, often behaved like kids. Cracking lame jokes, engaging in petty fights, and receiving regular scoldings from teachers seemed to be their routine. Though there were times when I found my classmates exasperating, I still cherished our time together. Our teachers humorously referred to our class as "the majestic, mischievous CLASS 10-B." Each teacher had their own unique way of connecting with us, making the learning experience enjoyable. From our class teacher's playful teasing to our social studies teacher's hilarious dance performance on Children's Day, they made our school days memorable. 

Balancing my studies and extracurricular activities was a challenge, but our school never added unnecessary stress during that crucial year. They even allowed us to participate in the Annual Day functions, which brought great excitement. Despite falling sick just before the performance, I didn't want to waste all the hard work and practice our class had put into it, so I performed on that stage with all my dedication.

The canteen holds some of the most cherished memories. Waiting eagerly for lunchtime, my friends and I would spring up from our seats as soon as the bell rang, gathering at our designated spot. Different sections couldn't keep us apart! Our group claimed the best table in the canteen. Throughout the year, we laughed, teased, and fought with each other, forming unforgettable bonds.

As the saying goes, "Time and tide wait for none." Just when I felt that my new chapter had begun, it came to an end. Our farewell ceremony on February 6th was a heart-wrenching day. Despite all of us looking glamorous, inside, we were crestfallen. I never expected this beautiful chapter to end so soon. That day was filled with a mix of emotions, countless photos, and promises that we made to each other. We vowed to stay in touch and never forget one another.

The day of the final battle, the Board Exams, was approaching. With the support of our teachers, my friends and I faced the challenges every 10th grader encounters during this crucial time. We successfully conquered the exams with ease. What I loved and will always love about my school is the balance between sports and studies, regardless of the grade level. They never imposed excessive pressure and always provided support.

Ironically, as students, we often long to grow up and experience the senior life of the school. But once we reach that stage, we find ourselves yearning to go back and relive our junior years. The year 2022-23 will forever hold a special place in my heart. It was a delightful, unforgettable year, filled with unbreakable bonds, surprising twists, and fond memories that I will cherish for a lifetime. 

- By Maghathi


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